Thursday, September 5, 2019

The importance of communication skills for engineers

"Employers identify communication as one of the basic competencies every graduate should have, asserting that the ability to communicate is valuable for obtaining employment and maintaining a successful job performance." 
- Sherwym Morreale, Michael Osborn & Judy Pearson, Professor of Communication (2000) 

I just want to share some thoughts I have about this quote which may hopefully shed some light and serve as an aid to better understand its intended message and rationale behind it.

Firstly, I'll be talking about communication in the aspect of obtaining employment. When companies are interviewing a prospect employee, the first cut off would naturally be the need to know whether the person has the suitable qualifications and qualities to be suited for the job. In order to convey such criteria clearly both in resumes and interviews, the ability to communicate in such a way is required for the employer to have a clear, accurate view and assessment of the applicant.

Now I'll be discussing effective communication in maintaining successful job performance. In companies, roles and tasks are allocated accordingly to effectively facilitate the company to grow and work towards its projected goals or fulfill its tasks. Like a body that requires communication from every relevant part in a given example of running, so communication between employees is vital for everyone to be on the same page and leveled on progress. Beyond horizontal interaction, communication with superiors and subordinates also play an important role in ensuring that the right instructions are being passed down and clearly understood. As for subordinates, communication upwards gives superiors an accurate picture of what is happening on the ground, enabling them to make decisions that will be beneficial for the company. Such a quality in an individual will prove advantageous for the company, saving costs and time on potential misinterpretation of data leading to poor, if not detrimental decisions. Such performance thus would be deemed successful. Therefore, communication is key, if not, fundamental in maintaining successful job performance

*Edited on 09/09/19


  1. This is a very detailed explanation! However, our professor had instructed us to spot and correct one another's article:

    "-serve as an aid to better understand it's intended message and rationale behind it."
    [it's vs. its]

    "-they would at the forefront, need to know whether or not the person has the suitable qualifications and qualities to be suited for the job."
    [I'm not familiar with the phrase "at the forefront" so I can't really comment, but it does seem a little awkward.]
    [Also, the "or not" seems like a redundant phrase stuck onto "whether", which in itself already means "or not". "Or not or not"]

    "Secondly, maintaining successful job performance."
    [The "secondly" is an adverb that indicates order. The "maintaining successful job performance" seems like it is a clause that needs to build on another idea before it can become a sentence. Both of them stuck together does not feel like it forms a sentence, I don't think? :c]

    Despite a few minor grammar faults, I feel that this is really one of the better explanations of the given quotes within the class.
    Thank you.
