Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Summary of Smart Buildings: What 'smart' really means Draft #1

In the article “Smart Buildings: What 'smart' really means”, Lecomte (2019) states that having certification with standardized metrics is fundamental for smart buildings to wholly emerge in the 'built environment'. Lecomte mentions that the lack of unanimity from various stakeholders has delayed the drafting of standardized rubrics. Hence, private and public sectors design their own metrics to assess smart buildings but their rubrics vary from one another. However, current private and public metrics were unsuccessful in tackling the complicated and expanding aspect that buildings will perform in ‘smart cities’. Lecomte believes that one crucial component to be included in the standardized rubrics would be cyber risk management as cyber threats ‘increase exponentially’ along with more advanced and integrated technology in smart buildings. Lecomte concluded that holistic and reliable 'smart building certifications and rubrics' will be the foundation of a 'functioning market for smart real estate'.


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  4. Hi Sammy
    - The citation presented is clear (Sophisticated)

    - Your choice of words could have been better. (Developing)

    - A good brief explanation about private sector and public sector differences in accessing their standards. (Sophisticated)

    -"Efforts to standardize rubrics are unsuccessful thus far as different parties involved could not agree on a standard rubric." verb tense, change are to were. (Developing)

    -"Such risks increase exponentially along..." - increase exponentially is quoted from the source so might be better to include ''. (Competent)

    Commented by Alicia, Mirza and Kang Le
